+++ newsblog +++
Happy New Year!
Happy new year for all of you, I wish you a great and successful year 2025!
Happy new year for all of you, I wish you a great and successful year 2025!
'Big Fireworks in Small Tuebingen' © Stephan Blachnik Instagram: Blachnikphotos
December 2024 PhD Defense of Juliane Doehler
Juliane Doehler successfully defended her PhD Thesis, funded by the DFG, entitled "The 3D Structural Architecture of the Human Hand Area in Younger and Older Adults described with 7 Tesla MRI". Congratulations! Read her Thesis papers here, here, here , and here
Juliane Doehler successfully defended her PhD Thesis, funded by the DFG, entitled "The 3D Structural Architecture of the Human Hand Area in Younger and Older Adults described with 7 Tesla MRI". Congratulations! Read her Thesis papers here, here, here , and here
November 2024 PhD Defense of Peng Liu
Peng Liu successfully defended her PhD Thesis, funded by the DFG, entitled "Age-related changes in the architecture of human primary somatosensory cortex". Congratulations! Read her Thesis papers here , here and here
Peng Liu successfully defended her PhD Thesis, funded by the DFG, entitled "Age-related changes in the architecture of human primary somatosensory cortex". Congratulations! Read her Thesis papers here , here and here
October 2024 Open Postdoc Position!
The lab is searching for a postdoc to work on clinical applications of 9.4T MRI. Fascinating position that can lead to you starting your independent research career. Apply now
The lab is searching for a postdoc to work on clinical applications of 9.4T MRI. Fascinating position that can lead to you starting your independent research career. Apply now
August 2024 Decade of Discovery: Celebrating 10 years of 7-Tesla MRI at Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging
The Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging is celebrating 10 years of 7-Tesla MRI. Our group is contributing with a talk on "Cortical Microstructure in Health and Disease". More info
The Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging is celebrating 10 years of 7-Tesla MRI. Our group is contributing with a talk on "Cortical Microstructure in Health and Disease". More info
July 2024 Lab Retreat in Bonn
Two-days lab retreat in The 9th in Bonn on "Scientific Excellence" plus a visit of the 7T MRI facilities at the DZNE Bonn. Thanks a lot everybody for this great event!
Two-days lab retreat in The 9th in Bonn on "Scientific Excellence" plus a visit of the 7T MRI facilities at the DZNE Bonn. Thanks a lot everybody for this great event!
June 2024 Paper of the Month Award
We were awarded the "Paper of the Month Award" by the Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS) for our paper "Multimodal layer modelling reveals in-vivo pathology in ALS" published in Brain in 2024. Thanks a lot! More info here. Read the paper here
We were awarded the "Paper of the Month Award" by the Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS) for our paper "Multimodal layer modelling reveals in-vivo pathology in ALS" published in Brain in 2024. Thanks a lot! More info here. Read the paper here
May 2024 PhD Defense of Alicia Northall
Alicia Northall successfully defended her PhD Thesis, funded by the EKFS, entitled "Identifying in-vivo quantitative markers of aging and neurodegeneration of the human primary motor cortex". Congratulations! Read her Thesis papers here, here, and here
Alicia Northall successfully defended her PhD Thesis, funded by the EKFS, entitled "Identifying in-vivo quantitative markers of aging and neurodegeneration of the human primary motor cortex". Congratulations! Read her Thesis papers here, here, and here
April 2024 Elected into Board of Hertie Center for Neurology Tübingen
I have been elected into the Board of Directors of the Hertie Center for Neurology Tübingen as advisory member. The Hertie Center for Neurology is dedicated to research, treatment, and teaching focused on the disease of the human brain. I am honored to be part of the Board and look forward to the upcoming tasks.
I have been elected into the Board of Directors of the Hertie Center for Neurology Tübingen as advisory member. The Hertie Center for Neurology is dedicated to research, treatment, and teaching focused on the disease of the human brain. I am honored to be part of the Board and look forward to the upcoming tasks.
April 2024 Cover Story in "Freundin"
"Die Kraft in uns" ("The power inside us"), an interview on the power of body memories with Esther Kühn, makes the cover story of the April issue of the popular German magazine "Freundin" (Ausgabe 10/2024). Read here
"Die Kraft in uns" ("The power inside us"), an interview on the power of body memories with Esther Kühn, makes the cover story of the April issue of the popular German magazine "Freundin" (Ausgabe 10/2024). Read here
March 2024 Elected into Strategy Board of Forschungsschwerpunkt Neuroscience Tübingen
I have been elected into the Strategy Board of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Neuroscience Tübingen. The Neurosciences in Tübingen with more than 100 active research groups have the potential to rank among the most successful neuroscientific sites in Europe. Scientists in Tübingen pursue theoretical, system-neuroscientific, molecular and clinical research approaches in their entire breadth with a wide range of methods. The Strategy Board of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Neuroscience wants to ensure the optimal use of Tübingens potential with respect to coordination, communication, and strategy development. I am honored to be part and look forward to the upcoming tasks.
I have been elected into the Strategy Board of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Neuroscience Tübingen. The Neurosciences in Tübingen with more than 100 active research groups have the potential to rank among the most successful neuroscientific sites in Europe. Scientists in Tübingen pursue theoretical, system-neuroscientific, molecular and clinical research approaches in their entire breadth with a wide range of methods. The Strategy Board of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Neuroscience wants to ensure the optimal use of Tübingens potential with respect to coordination, communication, and strategy development. I am honored to be part and look forward to the upcoming tasks.
March 2024 BID Conference 2024
The 5th Brain In Depth (BID) Conference takes place in Tübingen, organized by the Kuehn Lab! Thanks everyone for the fantastic event! More info
The 5th Brain In Depth (BID) Conference takes place in Tübingen, organized by the Kuehn Lab! Thanks everyone for the fantastic event! More info
February 2024 Grant received!
Peng Liu was approved the Brain Sciences 2024 Travel Award by MDPI to present a poster on "A layer-specific model on cortical sensory aging" at the OHBM 2024 in Soul. Congratulations! link to associated preprint
Peng Liu was approved the Brain Sciences 2024 Travel Award by MDPI to present a poster on "A layer-specific model on cortical sensory aging" at the OHBM 2024 in Soul. Congratulations! link to associated preprint
February 2024 Open Science Talk at Nürnberg Planetarium!
I gave a talk on "Körpergedächtnis - Wie beeinflussen körperliche Erfahrungen unser Denken und Handeln?" organized by KORTIZES at the Nicolaus-Copernicus-Planetarium in Nürnberg. This was a great event! More info here.
I gave a talk on "Körpergedächtnis - Wie beeinflussen körperliche Erfahrungen unser Denken und Handeln?" organized by KORTIZES at the Nicolaus-Copernicus-Planetarium in Nürnberg. This was a great event! More info here.
January 2024 Two Tübingen Neuroscience Excellence Clusters in 2nd round!
The DFG announced that the two Tübingen Neuroscience applications for new Excellence Clusters on "FeMale Brain" and "Bionic Intelligence" (the latter together with the University of Stuttgart) both are invited to submit full proposals, together with 4 more Tübingen applications. Fantastic success! More info here.
The DFG announced that the two Tübingen Neuroscience applications for new Excellence Clusters on "FeMale Brain" and "Bionic Intelligence" (the latter together with the University of Stuttgart) both are invited to submit full proposals, together with 4 more Tübingen applications. Fantastic success! More info here.
Happy New Year!
Happy new year for all of you, I wish you a great and successful year 2024!
Happy new year for all of you, I wish you a great and successful year 2024!
'Tübingen at Night' © Stephan Blachnik Instagram: Blachnikphotos
December 2023 New Podcast!
Our work on body memory is part of a new podcast on Körpertherapie by Jakobs Weg ("In Touch mit unseren Gefühlen - Körperpsychotherapie"). Listen here via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or deezer.
Our work on body memory is part of a new podcast on Körpertherapie by Jakobs Weg ("In Touch mit unseren Gefühlen - Körperpsychotherapie"). Listen here via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or deezer.
November 2023 Grant received!
Susanne Stoll, Jonas Bause and me were approved the DFG Grant "How is touch represented in the human brain?" that will combine 9T fMRI with computational modelling to understand better the architecture of tactile representations in human primary somatosensory cortex. Exciting times ahead! More info
Susanne Stoll, Jonas Bause and me were approved the DFG Grant "How is touch represented in the human brain?" that will combine 9T fMRI with computational modelling to understand better the architecture of tactile representations in human primary somatosensory cortex. Exciting times ahead! More info
October 2023 New Research Platform "Human Neuroimaging"!
Human Neuroimaging is a new Research Platform at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH). The platform has the goal to centralize research at the HIH that uses Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to understand how brain microstructure links to human brain function in health and disease.
Human Neuroimaging is a new Research Platform at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH). The platform has the goal to centralize research at the HIH that uses Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to understand how brain microstructure links to human brain function in health and disease.
September 2023 Breakthrough Price for Thomas Gasser!
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gasser, chairman of the board at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH) Tübingen, receives the "Breakthrough Price", the highest endowed science price in the world. Fantastic news for our institute! Read more here
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gasser, chairman of the board at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH) Tübingen, receives the "Breakthrough Price", the highest endowed science price in the world. Fantastic news for our institute! Read more here
August 2023 Grant received!
Christoph Knoll received the MED PhD Stipend of the Medical Faculty of the University of Magdeburg to continue his work on vascularization patterns in motor cortex. Congratulations!
Christoph Knoll received the MED PhD Stipend of the Medical Faculty of the University of Magdeburg to continue his work on vascularization patterns in motor cortex. Congratulations!
August 2023 Lab Retreat in Stuttgart
Two-days lab retreat in TheDive - Base7 in Esslingen and Stuttgart on "Interdisciplinary Communication". Thanks a lot everybody, this was great fun!
Two-days lab retreat in TheDive - Base7 in Esslingen and Stuttgart on "Interdisciplinary Communication". Thanks a lot everybody, this was great fun!
June 2023 PuG Symposium
Our symposium "Deficits in tactile perception and their clinical implications" organized by Prof. Dr. Dirk Scheele and me took place at the Psychology & Gehirn 2023 Conference in Tübingen! Great talks from lab member Peng Liu, Ekaterina Schneider, Xaver Fuchs and Jella Voelter!
Our symposium "Deficits in tactile perception and their clinical implications" organized by Prof. Dr. Dirk Scheele and me took place at the Psychology & Gehirn 2023 Conference in Tübingen! Great talks from lab member Peng Liu, Ekaterina Schneider, Xaver Fuchs and Jella Voelter!
June 2023 Postdoc in Oxford
Former lab member Alicia Northall starts her postdoc at the University of Oxford at the Institute of Molecular and Computational Medicine (IMCM) Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) and Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM). Congratulations!
Former lab member Alicia Northall starts her postdoc at the University of Oxford at the Institute of Molecular and Computational Medicine (IMCM) Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) and Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM). Congratulations!
June 2023 New lab member
Shreyas Indurkar starts his PhD on the neuronal mechanisms of human body memories. Welcome!
Shreyas Indurkar starts his PhD on the neuronal mechanisms of human body memories. Welcome!
May 2023 Grant received!
Dr. Cornelius Kronlage received the Clinical Scientist Grant of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen to conduct a Postdoc in my lab on MRI-based lesion detection in Epilepsy patients. Congratulations!
Dr. Cornelius Kronlage received the Clinical Scientist Grant of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen to conduct a Postdoc in my lab on MRI-based lesion detection in Epilepsy patients. Congratulations!
May 2023 Neuroimaging KickOff Meeting
Together with Prof. Dr. Tobias Hauser and Prof. Dr. Klaus Scheffler, we started a new MRI Neuroimaging Meeting that takes place monthly at different sites of the Tübingen Neurocampus. Looking forward to everybody dropping by!
Together with Prof. Dr. Tobias Hauser and Prof. Dr. Klaus Scheffler, we started a new MRI Neuroimaging Meeting that takes place monthly at different sites of the Tübingen Neurocampus. Looking forward to everybody dropping by!
March 2023 New lab member
Niloofar Mokhtari starts her PhD on Human Body Memory in Health and Disease. Welcome!
Niloofar Mokhtari starts her PhD on Human Body Memory in Health and Disease. Welcome!
February 2023 New Hertie Institute in Tübingen!
The Hertie Foundation established a new institute combining artificial intelligence and neuroscience in Tübingen: the Hertie Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Brain Health! Read more here
The Hertie Foundation established a new institute combining artificial intelligence and neuroscience in Tübingen: the Hertie Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Brain Health! Read more here

source: Pressemeldung link
January 2023 Article in Gehirn & Geist
I wrote an article in the German public science Magazine "Gehirn & Geist" about our research on Body Memory! Read more here
I wrote an article in the German public science Magazine "Gehirn & Geist" about our research on Body Memory! Read more here
Happy New Year!
Happy new year for all of you, I wish you a great and successful year 2023!
Happy new year for all of you, I wish you a great and successful year 2023!
source: Schwäbisches Tagblatt Bild: Ulrich Metz © ST link
October 2022 Talk at Erwin Hahn Lecture
I presented our new findings of the lab on the columnar and layer architecture of the aging cortex at the Erwin Hahn Lecture 2021. Thanks a lot for a fascinating event in Essen!
I presented our new findings of the lab on the columnar and layer architecture of the aging cortex at the Erwin Hahn Lecture 2021. Thanks a lot for a fascinating event in Essen!
October 2022 CBBS Paper of the Year Award!
Lab member Peng Liu was awarded with the CBBS Paper of the Year Award worth 500 Euros for her 2021 first-author eLife paper "The organizational principles of de-differentiated cortical maps in somatosensory cortex". Congratulations!
Lab member Peng Liu was awarded with the CBBS Paper of the Year Award worth 500 Euros for her 2021 first-author eLife paper "The organizational principles of de-differentiated cortical maps in somatosensory cortex". Congratulations!
September 2022 SfN Trainee Professional Development Award!
Lab member Alicia Northall was awarded with the 2022 Trainee Professional Development Award of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) for her work on cortical microstructure in in aging and ALS. Congratulations!
Lab member Alicia Northall was awarded with the 2022 Trainee Professional Development Award of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) for her work on cortical microstructure in in aging and ALS. Congratulations!
September 2022 Professorship in Tübingen
Start of my W2-Professorship "Translational Imaging of Cortical Microstructure" at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in Tübingen. Looking forward!
Start of my W2-Professorship "Translational Imaging of Cortical Microstructure" at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in Tübingen. Looking forward!
July 2022 Lab Retreat in Tübingen
Three-days lab retreat in Creative Space Tübingen on "How do I translate science to practice". Thanks a lot everybody, this was a great start in Tübingen!
Three-days lab retreat in Creative Space Tübingen on "How do I translate science to practice". Thanks a lot everybody, this was a great start in Tübingen!
June 2022 Keynote Talk at the Hertie Network
I gave a keynote talk on the importance of myelin for human brain health at the Symposium of the Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience held in Tübingen. Thanks a lot for a fascinating meeting!
I gave a keynote talk on the importance of myelin for human brain health at the Symposium of the Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience held in Tübingen. Thanks a lot for a fascinating meeting!
June 2022 Long Night of Science
Lab member Dr. Susanne Stoll presented "The brain in action" at the Long Night of Science Magdeburg. Thanks a lot!
Lab member Dr. Susanne Stoll presented "The brain in action" at the Long Night of Science Magdeburg. Thanks a lot!
May 2022 Seminar at UCL Plasticity Lab
I gave a seminar at the University of Oxford Plasticity Lab. Title "Topographic Stability and Layer-Specific Flexibility are Mechanisms of Human Cortical Aging"
I gave a seminar at the University of Oxford Plasticity Lab. Title "Topographic Stability and Layer-Specific Flexibility are Mechanisms of Human Cortical Aging"
February 2022 Talk at FEM Cafe Magdeburg
I gave a talk at the FEM Cafe Magdeburg. Title: "Science communication and science management"
I gave a talk at the FEM Cafe Magdeburg. Title: "Science communication and science management"
***************** Sorry, this blog covers lab news only of the last 3 years *****************