Liu P, Doehler J, Henschke JU, Northall A, Serian A, Loaiza-Carvajal LC, Budinger E, Schwarzkopf DS, Speck O, Pakan J, Kuehn E (2024) Cortical sensory aging is layer-specific. bioRxiv [link]
peer-reviewed articles
Schaefer M, Kuehn E, Schweitzer F, Muehlhan M (2024) The neural networks of touch observation. Imaging Neuroscience [Epub ahead of print] [link]
Knoll C, Doehler J, Northall A, Schreiber S, Mattern H, Kuehn E (2024) Age-related differences in human cortical microstructure depend on the distance to the nearest vein. Brain Commun 6:fcae321 [link]
Marquard J, Mohan P, Spiliopoulou M, Wenzel G, Butryn M, Kuehn E, Schreiber S, Maass A, Diersch N (2024) Identifying older adults at risk for Alzheimer's disease on smartphone data obtained during wayfinding in the real world. PLOS Digital Health 3:e0000613 [link]
Lange LS, Chrysidou A, Liu P, Kuehn E (2024) Tactile memory impairments in younger and older adults. Sci Rep 14:11766 [link]
Klemm L, Kuehn E, Kalyani A, Schreiber S, Reichert C, Azanon E (2024) Age-related differences in finger interdependence during complex hand movements. J App Physiol 137:181-193 [link]
Myga K, Kuehn E, Azanon E (2024) How the inner repetition of a desired perception changes actual tactile perception. Sci Rep 14:3072 [link]
Northall A, Doehler J, Weber M, Tellez I, Petri S, Prudlo J, Vielhaber S, Schreiber S, Kuehn E (2024) Multimodal layer modelling reveals in-vivo pathology in ALS. Brain 147:1087-1099 [link]
Kalyani A, Montier O, Klemm L, Azanon E, Schreiber S, Speck O, Reichert C, Kuehn E (2023) Reduced dimension stimulus decoding and column-based modelling reveal architectural differences of primary somatosensory finger maps between younger and older adults. Neuroimage 283:120430 [link]
Northall A, Doehler J, Weber M, Vielhaber S, Schreiber S, Kuehn E (2023) Layer-Specific Vulnerability is a Mechanism of Topographic Map Aging. Neurobiol Aging 128:17-32 [link]
Doehler J, Northall A, Liu P, Fracasso A, Chrysidou A, Speck O, Lohmann G, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2023) The 3D Structural Architecture of the Human Hand Area is Non-Topographic. J Neurosci 43:3456-3476 [link]
Reichert C, Klemm L, Mushunuri RV, Kalyani A, Schreiber S, Kuehn E, Azanon E (2022) Discriminating free hand movements using support vector machine and recurrent neural network algorithms. Sensors 22:6101 [link]
Riemer M, Achtzehn J, Kuehn E, Wolbers T (2022) Cross-dimensional interference between time and distance during spatial navigation is mediated by speed representations in intraparietal sulcus and area hMT+. Neuroimage 257:119336 [link]
Gentsch A, Kuehn E (2022) Clinical Manifestations of Body Memories: The Impact of Past Bodily Experiences on Mental Health. Brain Sciences 12:594 [link]
Northall A, Mukhopadhyay B, Weber M, Petri S, Prudlo S, Vielhaber S, Schreiber S, Kuehn E (2022) An automated tongue tracker for quantifying bulbar function in ALS. Front Neurol 13:838191 [link]
Myga K, Kuehn E, Azanon E (2022) Autosuggestion - A cognitive process that empowers your brain? Exp Brain Res 240:381-94 [link]
Oltmer J, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2021) Impaired remapping of social relationships in older adults. Sci Rep 11:21919 [link]
Liu P, Chrysidou A, Doehler J, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2021) The organizational principles of de-differentiated topographic maps in somatosensory cortex. eLife 10:e60090 [link]
Schreiber S, Northall A, Weber M, Vielhaber S, Kuehn E (2021) Topographic layer-imaging as a tool to track neurodegenerative disease spread in M1. Nat Rev Neurosci 22:68-69 [link]
Kuehn E, Pleger B (2020) Encoding schemes in somatosensation: From micro- to meta-topography. Neuroimage 223:117255 [link]
Kuehn E, Liu P, Chrysidou A, Doehler J, Wolbers T (2020), The organizational principles of de-differentiated topographic maps - Data, Dryad, Dataset [link]
Timm F, Kuehn E (2020) A mechanical stimulation glove to induce Hebbian plasticity at the fingertip Front Hum Neurosci 14:177 [link]
Riemer M, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2019) Preserved multisensory body representations in advanced age Sci Rep 9:2663 [link]
Lohmann G, Stelzer J, Lacosse E, Kumar VJ, Müller K, Kuehn E, Grodd W, Scheffler K (2018) LISA improves statistical analyses for fMRI Nat Commun 9:4014 [link]
Kuehn E, Sereno I M (2018) Modelling the human cortex in three dimensions Trends Cogn Sci 22:1073-1075. [link]
Kuehn E, Haggard P, Villringer A, Pleger B, Sereno M (2018). Visually-driven maps in area 3b. J Neurosci 38:1295-1310. [link]
Kuehn E, Chen X, Geise P, Oltmer J, Wolbers T (2018). Social targets improve body-based and environment-based strategies during spatial navigation Exp Brain Res 236:755-764. [link]
Kuehn E, Pleger B (2018) How visual body perception influences somatosensory plasticity. Neural Plast 2018:7909684 [link]
Kuehn E, Perez M, Diersch N, Döhler J, Wolbers T, Riemer M (2018). Embodiment in the aging mind. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 86:207-225. [link]
Kuehn E, Döhler J, Pleger B (2017) The influence of vision on tactile Hebbian learning. Sci Rep. 22:9069. [link]
Kuehn E, Dinse J, Jacobsen E, Villringer A, Sereno M, Margulis D (2017) Body topography parcellates human sensory and motor cortex. Cereb Cort 10:1-16. [link]
Kuehn E, Mueller K, Lohmann G, Schütz-Bosbach (2016). Interoceptive awareness changes the posterior insula functional connectivity profile. Brain Struct Funct. 221:1555-1571. [link]
Kuehn E, de Havas J, Silkoset E, Haggard P (2015). On the bilateral integration of proprioceptive information Exp Brain Res 233: 1273-1288. [link]
Kuehn E, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2014). The functional architecture of S1 during touch observation described with 7 T fMRI Brain Struct Funct 219:219-240. [link]
Kuehn E, Trampel R, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2013). Judging roughness by sight: A 7-Tesla fMRI study on responsivity of the primary somatosensory cortex during observed touch of self and others Hum Brain Map 34: 1882-1895 [link]
Wartenburger I, Kuehn E, Sassenberg U, Foth M, Franz L, van der Meer E (2010). On the relationship between fluid intelligence, gesture production, and brain structure Intelligence 38: 193-201. [link]
Bein D, Kuehn E, Meuth A, Amler S, Haust M, Nyberg F, Sauerland C, Luger T, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Evaluation of disease activity and damage in different subtypes of cutaneous lupus erythematosus using the CLASI. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venerol 25: 652-659. [link]
Schmitt V, Meuth AM, Amler S, Kuehn E, Haust M, Messer G, Bekou V, Sauerland C, Metze D, Köpcke W, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Lupus erythematosus tumidus is a separate subtype of cutaneous lupus erythematosus Br J Dermatol 162: 64-73. [link]
Meuth AM, Kuehn E, Amler S, Haust M, Nyberg F, Wons A, Sauerland C, Kopcke W, Schmitt V, Kuhn A (2009). EUSCLE Core Set Questionnaire: A Database Analysis of 50 patients with Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus Arch Dermatol Res 301: 46-46. [link]
Schmitt V, Meuth AM, Haust M, Amler S, Messer G, Wons A, Sauerland C, Kopcke W, Kuehn E, Kuhn A (2009). Statistical Evidence of Lupus Erythematosus Tumidus as a Separate Entity Arch Dermatol Res 301: 49-49. [link]
Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Meuth AM, Haust M, Nyberg F, Werth V, Ruzicka T, Schmitt V, Bonsmann G (2009). Development of a core set questionnaire by the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE). Autoimmun Rev 8: 702-712. [link]
Knoll C, Doehler J, Northall A, Schreiber S, Mattern H, Kuehn E (2024) Age-related differences in human cortical microstructure depend on the distance to the nearest vein. Brain Commun 6:fcae321 [link]
Marquard J, Mohan P, Spiliopoulou M, Wenzel G, Butryn M, Kuehn E, Schreiber S, Maass A, Diersch N (2024) Identifying older adults at risk for Alzheimer's disease on smartphone data obtained during wayfinding in the real world. PLOS Digital Health 3:e0000613 [link]
Lange LS, Chrysidou A, Liu P, Kuehn E (2024) Tactile memory impairments in younger and older adults. Sci Rep 14:11766 [link]
Klemm L, Kuehn E, Kalyani A, Schreiber S, Reichert C, Azanon E (2024) Age-related differences in finger interdependence during complex hand movements. J App Physiol 137:181-193 [link]
Myga K, Kuehn E, Azanon E (2024) How the inner repetition of a desired perception changes actual tactile perception. Sci Rep 14:3072 [link]
Northall A, Doehler J, Weber M, Tellez I, Petri S, Prudlo J, Vielhaber S, Schreiber S, Kuehn E (2024) Multimodal layer modelling reveals in-vivo pathology in ALS. Brain 147:1087-1099 [link]
Kalyani A, Montier O, Klemm L, Azanon E, Schreiber S, Speck O, Reichert C, Kuehn E (2023) Reduced dimension stimulus decoding and column-based modelling reveal architectural differences of primary somatosensory finger maps between younger and older adults. Neuroimage 283:120430 [link]
Northall A, Doehler J, Weber M, Vielhaber S, Schreiber S, Kuehn E (2023) Layer-Specific Vulnerability is a Mechanism of Topographic Map Aging. Neurobiol Aging 128:17-32 [link]
Doehler J, Northall A, Liu P, Fracasso A, Chrysidou A, Speck O, Lohmann G, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2023) The 3D Structural Architecture of the Human Hand Area is Non-Topographic. J Neurosci 43:3456-3476 [link]
Reichert C, Klemm L, Mushunuri RV, Kalyani A, Schreiber S, Kuehn E, Azanon E (2022) Discriminating free hand movements using support vector machine and recurrent neural network algorithms. Sensors 22:6101 [link]
Riemer M, Achtzehn J, Kuehn E, Wolbers T (2022) Cross-dimensional interference between time and distance during spatial navigation is mediated by speed representations in intraparietal sulcus and area hMT+. Neuroimage 257:119336 [link]
Gentsch A, Kuehn E (2022) Clinical Manifestations of Body Memories: The Impact of Past Bodily Experiences on Mental Health. Brain Sciences 12:594 [link]
Northall A, Mukhopadhyay B, Weber M, Petri S, Prudlo S, Vielhaber S, Schreiber S, Kuehn E (2022) An automated tongue tracker for quantifying bulbar function in ALS. Front Neurol 13:838191 [link]
Myga K, Kuehn E, Azanon E (2022) Autosuggestion - A cognitive process that empowers your brain? Exp Brain Res 240:381-94 [link]
Oltmer J, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2021) Impaired remapping of social relationships in older adults. Sci Rep 11:21919 [link]
Liu P, Chrysidou A, Doehler J, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2021) The organizational principles of de-differentiated topographic maps in somatosensory cortex. eLife 10:e60090 [link]
Schreiber S, Northall A, Weber M, Vielhaber S, Kuehn E (2021) Topographic layer-imaging as a tool to track neurodegenerative disease spread in M1. Nat Rev Neurosci 22:68-69 [link]
Kuehn E, Pleger B (2020) Encoding schemes in somatosensation: From micro- to meta-topography. Neuroimage 223:117255 [link]
Kuehn E, Liu P, Chrysidou A, Doehler J, Wolbers T (2020), The organizational principles of de-differentiated topographic maps - Data, Dryad, Dataset [link]
Timm F, Kuehn E (2020) A mechanical stimulation glove to induce Hebbian plasticity at the fingertip Front Hum Neurosci 14:177 [link]
Riemer M, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2019) Preserved multisensory body representations in advanced age Sci Rep 9:2663 [link]
Lohmann G, Stelzer J, Lacosse E, Kumar VJ, Müller K, Kuehn E, Grodd W, Scheffler K (2018) LISA improves statistical analyses for fMRI Nat Commun 9:4014 [link]
Kuehn E, Sereno I M (2018) Modelling the human cortex in three dimensions Trends Cogn Sci 22:1073-1075. [link]
Kuehn E, Haggard P, Villringer A, Pleger B, Sereno M (2018). Visually-driven maps in area 3b. J Neurosci 38:1295-1310. [link]
Kuehn E, Chen X, Geise P, Oltmer J, Wolbers T (2018). Social targets improve body-based and environment-based strategies during spatial navigation Exp Brain Res 236:755-764. [link]
Kuehn E, Pleger B (2018) How visual body perception influences somatosensory plasticity. Neural Plast 2018:7909684 [link]
Kuehn E, Perez M, Diersch N, Döhler J, Wolbers T, Riemer M (2018). Embodiment in the aging mind. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 86:207-225. [link]
Kuehn E, Döhler J, Pleger B (2017) The influence of vision on tactile Hebbian learning. Sci Rep. 22:9069. [link]
Kuehn E, Dinse J, Jacobsen E, Villringer A, Sereno M, Margulis D (2017) Body topography parcellates human sensory and motor cortex. Cereb Cort 10:1-16. [link]
Kuehn E, Mueller K, Lohmann G, Schütz-Bosbach (2016). Interoceptive awareness changes the posterior insula functional connectivity profile. Brain Struct Funct. 221:1555-1571. [link]
Kuehn E, de Havas J, Silkoset E, Haggard P (2015). On the bilateral integration of proprioceptive information Exp Brain Res 233: 1273-1288. [link]
Kuehn E, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2014). The functional architecture of S1 during touch observation described with 7 T fMRI Brain Struct Funct 219:219-240. [link]
Kuehn E, Trampel R, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2013). Judging roughness by sight: A 7-Tesla fMRI study on responsivity of the primary somatosensory cortex during observed touch of self and others Hum Brain Map 34: 1882-1895 [link]
Wartenburger I, Kuehn E, Sassenberg U, Foth M, Franz L, van der Meer E (2010). On the relationship between fluid intelligence, gesture production, and brain structure Intelligence 38: 193-201. [link]
Bein D, Kuehn E, Meuth A, Amler S, Haust M, Nyberg F, Sauerland C, Luger T, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Evaluation of disease activity and damage in different subtypes of cutaneous lupus erythematosus using the CLASI. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venerol 25: 652-659. [link]
Schmitt V, Meuth AM, Amler S, Kuehn E, Haust M, Messer G, Bekou V, Sauerland C, Metze D, Köpcke W, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Lupus erythematosus tumidus is a separate subtype of cutaneous lupus erythematosus Br J Dermatol 162: 64-73. [link]
Meuth AM, Kuehn E, Amler S, Haust M, Nyberg F, Wons A, Sauerland C, Kopcke W, Schmitt V, Kuhn A (2009). EUSCLE Core Set Questionnaire: A Database Analysis of 50 patients with Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus Arch Dermatol Res 301: 46-46. [link]
Schmitt V, Meuth AM, Haust M, Amler S, Messer G, Wons A, Sauerland C, Kopcke W, Kuehn E, Kuhn A (2009). Statistical Evidence of Lupus Erythematosus Tumidus as a Separate Entity Arch Dermatol Res 301: 49-49. [link]
Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Meuth AM, Haust M, Nyberg F, Werth V, Ruzicka T, Schmitt V, Bonsmann G (2009). Development of a core set questionnaire by the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE). Autoimmun Rev 8: 702-712. [link]
Book chapters
Kuehn E, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2014). Der soziale Homunculus im primären somatosensorischen Cortex (S1) beschrieben mit 7 Tesla fMRT. 17th Ann Meet Ger Chapter Int Soc Magn Reson Med, 29-33.
Schütz-Bosbach S, Kuehn E. Die soziale Perspektive (2014). In Prinz W. Experimentelle Handlungsforschung: Kognitive Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung und Steuerung von Handlungen, Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart: 106-157.
Kuehn E, Kuhn A. Alphee Cazenave – Pionier der Dermatologie des 19. Jahrhunderts (2008). In Löser C, Plewig G. Pantheon der Dermatologie, 142-58
Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Bonsmann G, Sunderkötter, C. Dermatologische Differentialdiagnosen kutaner Durchblutungsstörungen. (2006) in: Ladner U. Raynaud-Syndrom und akrale Ischämiesyndrome, Unimed Verlag, Bremen, S.58-74
Schütz-Bosbach S, Kuehn E. Die soziale Perspektive (2014). In Prinz W. Experimentelle Handlungsforschung: Kognitive Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung und Steuerung von Handlungen, Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart: 106-157.
Kuehn E, Kuhn A. Alphee Cazenave – Pionier der Dermatologie des 19. Jahrhunderts (2008). In Löser C, Plewig G. Pantheon der Dermatologie, 142-58
Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Bonsmann G, Sunderkötter, C. Dermatologische Differentialdiagnosen kutaner Durchblutungsstörungen. (2006) in: Ladner U. Raynaud-Syndrom und akrale Ischämiesyndrome, Unimed Verlag, Bremen, S.58-74