We use translational MR imaging to understand how cortical microstructure links to human brain function in health and disease. We study healthy younger and older adults, people with neurodegenerative and neurological diseases and people with mental disorders to understand the neuronal mechanisms that underlie healthy and pathological cortex architectures and their modification.
List of publications
List of publications
Dr. med. Cornelius Kronlage Clinical Scientist Research focus: Cortical Profile of Epilepsy Publications |
Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Stoll Postdoc Research focus: Sensory Perception, population Receptive Field (pRF) modelling Publications |
Dr. rer. nat. Shijia Teo Postdoc Research focus: Cross-species MRI, Cortical Profile of MS Publications |
Juliane Döhler
PhD Candidate (Thesis submitted) Research focus: Sensory Aging, Layer-Specific MRI Publications |
Peng Liu PhD Candidate (Thesis submitted) Research focus: Somatosensory Cortex Architecture, Body Memory Publications |
Avinash Kalyani
PhD Candidate (final year) Research focus: 7T-fMRI Data Aggregation, Shared Response Modelling Publications |
Christoph Knoll
PhD Candidate Research focus: Arterial and Venous Imaging, Cortical Plasticity Publications |